once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

We only take Flying as first years., Flying is a class? Lily asked, confused. Leroys head appeared from behind one of the sleeping pedestals along with the other dwarf whod fetched them down. Not when it wasnt hers anymore. I didnt know what to do with my hands, but I didnt want to grab her in the heat of the moment and just pull her back in, so I just wrapped my arms around myself and stared ahead of me. Whenever a card flips over thats down in the circle, you need to tap both cards to count the pair.. Regina had remembered Emmas tense behavior last year so she hadnt been surprised she wasnt to be seen. Took the Book of Admittance to find you, didnt it?, Ruby finally came down with a leather-bound photo album, Sorry, the big one is up in the castle in my dorm. Of course, she will likely stage it as an accident or a sickness, but I wanted to warn you. Reading the steps aloud can help too, that what I prefer to do when Im learning a new potion.. After she finally let me go, I jumped into the bug. Regina knew she couldnt out duel her Mother. Finally, he reached the final page which listed her total amount earned. Come! The owl flew off as soon as I had the letter and so I couldnt even write back to you. He has a cell phone and he can lock the room door, I explained. Ravenclaw valued curiosity and learning. Last night had not been pleasant. She wasnt that out of practice and were these not her familys horses. Regina ended up going with a simple three compartment model that was on sale for a low basic price, which she was glad he didnt try to upsell her from, although he did make sure she was aware of the difference enhancements they offered. She turned the envelope over in her hands before sitting back down on the stone floor next to the owl. Of course I am, Emma replied defensively. The shelf looked as though no book was missing, but once she held up her text, a space opened up for her to fill. I don't own these characters or any mentioned songs/movies/books. David, your mother, and their friends began to grow concerned about this group after someone mistook David for his brother. Even if it wasnt as embarrassing as the foster child sign she used to feel like she had hanging over her, it was still enough to make her extremely uncomfortable. Well, youve never done before., Regina rolled her eyes and patted the ground next to her, Sit back down, its hurting my neck to look up at you.. It must have some holes in it by now, Ill fix them up for you.. And I think, I think that makes us special or even unique, I dont know. Especially if you Excuse me.. Thats what youre focusing on?, Emma felt a strangely warm sensation when she realized that, whatever Regina thought of her speech, it clearly hadnt changed Reginas opinion of her too much. Nice to meet you.. I was a big fool to think I could get her out of my mind and fall asleep. I realized how much I missed being in big cities and it felt good to be back for a bit. It isnt very clear how it all works since my dad wasnt one. If I have any pointers, I can let you know and if not, well, itll only be for an afternoonnot like it made anything worse., Regina rolled her eyes, My time is exceedingly valuable. Emma would have taken offense if she hadnt realized Regina was joking. Youre welcome., Regina was leaving her transfiguration class when an older Gryffindor student she didnt recognize jogged up to her, Hey, are you the potions girl?. All protection measures for the spell matrix at the center. Regina's Daughter (Once Upon A Time/Peterpan Fanfiction), Chapter 1: And Straight On 'Til Morning Part 1, Chapter 2: Straight On 'Till Morning part 2, Chapter 3: The Heart of the Truest Believer, Chapter 13: I Accidentally On Purpose Find the Others, Regina's Daughter (Once Upon A Time Fanfiction). We understand each other better than most, for better or worse. I said, no, Regina cut her off. Regina found, with the right twist it was easier to talk about school to him than shed thought. She felt like she was re-reading the same few pages and without absorbing any of the information. Neal grinned back at her and began laying out the cards. Madame Pince regularly patrolled the sections closest to the Restricted area, making sure those who didnt have permission were not lurking or trying to break in. I cant wait until next summer when I can actually do magic whenever I want. Mother? Regina grinned at the predictable response. It circled both beaters, who each froze automatically lest they cause a crash. She refocused on her memory of Daniel and the horses, forcibly not thinking about what had just happened or what had happened to Daniel in the end. What do we do? The White estate, she said. She couldnt see his face, but when he looked up he seemed to eye Regina with greater respect than before. A little girl, somewhat younger than Henry, was standing in the doorway. That got everyones attention and they all stared at Mary Margaret in surprise. Tomorrow, one way or another, it would end. Set in my Magical Misfire storyverse. She carefully poured 45 ML of the potion into a small glass cup before stopping the bottle with a spruce cork. Well, before the Ministry swooped in and they got Obliviated. How could she tell who was in Mothers pocket or not? Regina might just need more off time, I whispered to myself. Did she? Yes, I shall. Gold said, a twinkle in his eye at her obvious excitement. Emma rolled her eyes, Come on, its funny, you can admit it. Regina continued to look forward in stony silence and her blush refused to fade. A quick sweep of the crowd showed shock and that most of the spectators backed away from her and Hans. A certain blonde head suddenly came into view. Emma! I exclaimed and the receptionist looked toward us. Stop hiding like a coward! he yelled in her general direction, trying to bait her. Her first try for this potion in class had not gone well. Neal.. Neither had any effect as the creature focused its efforts on Ruby, who had backed up as far as she could go. Hello, Miss Emma.. Whats that? Emma blurted out, eyes fixed on the wooden stick poking of Lilys jacket pocket. The days went back and forth between intense questioning and intense boredom as I waited for more questioning. Then with a push, she jumped down to land a few meters away from Regina and Rocinante. Thanks, it took a lot of work, Emma replied. It was clearly trying its best to lose them as it zigzagged up and down, neither would-be seeker was confident enough to attempt to anticipate its moves when they were both so close and so they doggedly followed its every swerve. Will the outlaw steal her heart in the process? Mary Margaret flinched at that and Emma saw another couple tears fall from her eyes. The bustling street, hurrying people, and many shops all packed together looked similar enough to shopping areas in older parts of London that shed snuck off to explore before. Carpe Retractum! Cora cast causing a rope of light wrapped around her and began to pull Regina towards her mother. I know the papers said you were, but I was so worried. I have read what the paper reported and I have read certain court transcripts. Regina actively tried to keep things to herself and yet she knew she let things slip. Tragedy, of course. Kathryn clutched her head, trying to make sure she wasnt bleeding as Tina belted the book shut. You actually have to keep some leaf in your mouth all the time for like, a whole month.. Ms. Sapphire might as well be talking about getting her house newly painted and not breaking a curse that had lasted years. Ill stretch my arms out under the water and you lie on it, okay? I believe you. The knowledge that she would never be allowed to pursue her love of potions. Are you mad at me?. Defense Against the Dark Arts is my favorite subject, Emma explained. Daniel was easy to talk to and he seemed actually interested in what she knew. Henry and Reginas jobs were easier because they only got a quick hug and a Have a nice trip! before they could get in the car. Emma thought her eyes were deceiving her until she realized wizard photos moved the same way the portraits and paintings up at the castle did. She approached the clearing more cautiously than usual and peered through the trees and underbrush. Hi, Regina greeted before asking, What are you doing here so late? He should have even been able to be on the propertythey had strong wards that got activated at night, no one should be able to enter who wasnt part of their family. Emma could see why this broom was called the Twister. It looks like anyone could have, if theyd seen the spell and had the right materials.. She added them all in a big clump, leaning back from the minor splash. Regina went over to the chalk board and wrote down a three-digit number. Emma found she loved the casual blending of both cultures. The funeral was the next day. Hey, are you from around here?, Emma detected a slight accent, but not enough of one to tell where she might be from. The toys were hers: the cute stuffed owl, the pink puffskein, and the rattle. Now. She flicked her wand and he was steadily pushed out of the room, through the doors and out into the street. From what mansion?, From yer parents house, Leroy explained, now impatiently, as if she should already know that. Thats how she really got the nickname Queen of Hearts., I watched her kill Daniel, Regina said. Sure, her mother was an immensely powerful witch few wizards could stand against, but muggles were so vulnerable. My brother and nephew along with the others are still cursed. Yeah, I know. That you do, he acknowledged before explaining further. Old, but functional furniture, a girl a couple of years older was lounging in front of a TV, her eyes flicked briefly to Emmas but didnt give anything away. Emma leaned her head back against the stone of the bridge. I- Ill be downstairs if you need me, I said as I stopped midway. A bludger knocked from Ravenclaws experienced beater bought their keeper enough time to get into place. It was supposed to be temporary. There was real despair in his voice and he started to get chocked up talking about it, We They Im sorry, Id rather not talk about it. Alright Emma said bewildered, it barely felt like she did anything at all. From all that stuff a couple years ago, she waved vaguely and Regina nodded to show she knew what Emma was referring to. Is it morning already? They were both a disheveled and tired from the rigorous practiceas well as the times their spells had made it past the others barriers. Stupefy!. One first year boy rose into the air alright, but clearly had very little control and took a turn too sharply. She skidded into view causing Danny and the woman she could now see was in fact Faye Sapphire. However, he continued, we do not want to open a vault only to close it in a few months when something catches new your eye, how do we know you will be a loyal customer?, This was something Abby had told her about. Its all taken care of. When Emma just kept blinking at her, Granny elaborated, That group home you were assigned to hadnt even reported that youd run away and not come home the last few nights. Tryouts are over.. I guess that was a real problem in ye old days. Madame Rosmerta was quick to show them to the private room that had been arranged for there in person meeting with the aurors theyd been owling for the past couple weeks. , It gets hot under there! Emma protested. Its back., Emma shut the door behind her and ushered him a little ways down the outer hallway of the apartment complex. Emma recognized the namethere were an insane number of Westergaard boys and the vast majority ended up in Slytherin. I cant believe this is actually happening!. Im glad. I smiled and suddenly, I felt the urge to hug her, but I resisted it, and only when she stood up did I notice that my hand was on top of hers and I dont remember when I put it there. Regina wondered, but didnt ask. Its 10 oclock! Emma sounded positively horrified at the idea of not eating for so long. I dont look like David or sound like Snow, Im not nice like David was or stubborn like Snow wasIm nice like I am. She pointed to herself, Im stubborn because Im stubborn, not because of two dead people I never even met and couldnt remember with all the magic in the world! He didnt turn quickly enough as she moved and so she could take careful aim, Flipendo!, Her knockback jinx hit Hans squarely in the chest and he flew back a couple meters fall into a group of his unprepared friends. He was a solid seeker, with a record for catching the snitch during more than half of his gamesa very good record. She had been hurt because Ruby wouldnt tell her what about. Emma refused to leave Splotch behind or even to try to explain to the cat that she needed to sleep outside where whatever could happen to her. Yes. I see you are fierce and with plenty of nerve, oh yes. Regina could feel memories rising to the surface with each word: her breaking in a wild foal and standing up to her mother those few times she had been pushed too far. David slamned the door on it and Mary Margaret locked it in, just as they had the doxies. Then she picked up another book on the desk and threw it at the spider where it had landed. I dont know what thats supposed to mean, but I was a baby when all this went down the first timeits not like I remember anything. Finally, Regina came back down closer to Emma, cheeks flushed red from the wind and excitement. As this event has most unfortunately occurred, we hereby relinquish this package to you. Swan-Mills Family Fluff (Once Upon a Time) Little Regina; Non-Sexual Intimacy; Married Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan; Sibling Rivalry; Fluff and Smut; . After checking that her wand bag was secure since even these dress robes didnt have any pockets, she went down the stairs as quietly as she knew how. I apologize for that, I merely didnt want to risk any communication being intercepted.. Yeah, whats wrong? she asked and in the flick of a moment, her expression changed to a look of horror. It is, I enjoy iteven if I miss Papi and the horses, Regina replied, relaxing a little. Hey, Regina, Emma greeted as she came in and waved at her with one of pillows from the Transfiguration room shed brought with her. It dropped the envelope on her pillow and then settled itself on the top of corner post of the footboard. Emma froze even as Danny replied, Emmas here, but her name is Swan. Maybe that was another reason Leroy was worried enough to be drunk in the middle of the day. She turned to Regina in surprise and found her blushing. As always, none of the characters belong to me. Other than that, we couldnt wake up until about 2 p.m. We knew that we would leave the next morning, so after having breakfast - or lunch or snack, I dont know what to call it - we spent most of the day packing and we also went out to a nearby supermarket to buy some food and drinks for the way back home. She wanted to relax, but she had to balance pushing all the other sounds of the park out of her mind with keeping aware of her surroundings that she didnt get nailed in the head by a footballlike yesterday. It as a safe bet, her mother didnt have any other living relatives that Regina knew ofin fact given how she spoke of her father, Regina was fairly certain he was the first person shed killednor would she ever suspect Regina of turning on her. The room was filled, floor to ceiling, in rows that went back further than she could see. #peterpanouat Can you access them?, Regina nodded, Yes, I canI can show you to her vault., Regina had them follow her upstairs to the large drawing room Cora used primarily for entertaining and impressing allies. You must have been good then, second years rarely make it.. Her head spun at finally revealing what she knew. Emma could tell from Reginas carefully blank tone of voice, with its single hint of wistfulness that her leaving had not been by choice. Hm, Gold regarded her sternly for longer than she would have liked before he leaned back in his chair. Combining the potion with the tea was supposed to stabilize it; she hoped the book was right. She had discarded that idea quickly, keeping something like that from goblins, whose job it was to manage wizard gold and assets, was silly. Do you think youd want to be a potioneer? Kathryn asked, curious. She could do the basic sleeping draught, but that was more likely to induce strange dreams in the taker and had a less predictable time limit, erring on the shorter side. Her wand warmed just slightly before a silver form burst from it. The wax heated up under her finger and glowed briefly before going dark. She remembered how certain people used to treat her, how people still treated David sometimes, like they should be so grateful they were even allowed to be here. She was nearly crying from the effort and the sheer pointlessness she felt it was. I brought a sleeping bag, so dont worry., Emma You dont have to use that. Regina opened the door a minute later. He smiled over at Lily who stared back a bit moodily, So lovely that Lily has found someone she doesnt have to keep secrets from. How long have you been able to see them? Emma asked carefully, but without judgementmerely simple curiosity. I didnt mean to bring up bad memories., August sighed and waved off her apologies, Its alright, I hadnt realized you didnt know about the curse. He ran his fingers through his hair, I think Dad hoped you might know something about breaking it.. Dont strain yourself. She realized shed cast the spell a bit strongly and so decided the quickest way to free the frozen Hufflepuff was to cast, Finite. She tapped Emma definitively on her arm. Two! Um, Emma didnt know how to bring it up, but she knew she needed to. I understand you have something youd like to talk to us about. Why would he have done that? Instinctively, Emma copied her and drew her own wand from Regina. Its actually a doorway. Regina had to admit, she was impressed. Only a month or so into the school term, Professor Gold asked her to stay after class to discuss her tutoring schedule. Regina took a deep breath and strode forward, wondering if the slight uptick whispers were just in her imagination. But you lied!. But really? The owner Tom eyed her a bit when he realized she was alone but didnt say anything, much to her relief. Regina had distracted herself on the train. However, now that Regina was talking to her, Rocinante seemed to be taking an interest. Her dad had come here and gotten a wand, just as she doing now. Anything to help., Ms. Sapphire continued to smile at her, Here, lets go behind the store and Ill apparate us where we need to go., Ms. Sapphire went first down a side street and Emma followed. It took over a month to prep the potion seeing as Regina wanted to make enough of it so that there would be some leftover for her to use when the time came. The goblin relocked the vault and returned her key to her. Faye gave her a sharp and knowing look that cowed the girl slightly before she lifted her chin in defiance. Regina was sitting on the bed, closing the book she was reading. I just wish shed get that stick out of her butt., Ruby laughed, Id be willing to go look for it at least, Reginas pretty hot., Emma scowled and threw a pillow at Ruby, Not helping, dont let her fool youits all an illusion to hid her evilness., Ruby rolled her eyes, Youd say that about anyone trying to make you study. Fellow Hogwarts students were one thing, some random adult was another thing. Emma rolled her eyes, but obligingly turned back to her potion. It stood apart even though it was packed in just as tightly as the others. She represented a lot of their worst fearsnothing drives home anyone can die than your classmates own father passing away. I dont suppose youll understand if I tell you that the rest would be better explain when youre older, would you? She gave Emma a hopeful look, with a bit of a sardonic twist to it. She has more important things to do. She was a Ravenclaw, she would figure out the best way to do both. Shed gotten her schedule the other day, which is why they were talking about classes in the first place. #onceuponatimefanfic I hope you know how much you mean to me, she said and for a moment, I forgot how to breathe. The whole book was full of interesting uses, counter balances, and combinations which she could apply to ordinary potions. Youre welcome, Regina. Emma sighed and then reached into her bag, simply pulling out the corner of her invisibility cloak. Regina Emma said, trailing off. Not like the". Next time you come, bring the blanket. Regina also told me that she promised to sit on the balcony with me the next night and it was actually not a bad idea to spend our last night in New York, so we did that. Mary Margaret shifted a little uncomfortably and pouted, Yeah, I know. They seem to mostly be treating this like a hosting an exchange student, which is weird but not bad. Do hydrate.. A shrill whistle interrupted her thoughts and she turned to look at the Captain, a sixth-year girl who was their lead chaser. Regina was warned to keep very close track of the score so that she didnt catch the snitch too earlyit wouldnt matter if they caught it only to lock in Gryffindors lead. Finally, they came to the part of the conversation where Emma agreed to follow the rules of the house and behave herself and the three of them went back to Mr. Hares car to retrieve her things. Madame Pomfrey said shed need to get a prescription from her healer in order to give her anything different or stronger., Besides the price? Regina made a face, Her parents think shes exaggerating how bad it is.. Mr. But owls can be more useful to the typical student. Id miss my family a lot. What position were you thinking of trying out for?, Yeah, Emma said before she launched in an explanation. I know we just left, but hows your summer going? Going to her birth parents actual house. What would be an example of something you would suggest teaching me?, Okay, um, Emma dug out a piece of parchment with writing on it. Counting on their seeker, a veteran of the team for the past two years, to overestimate their scoring potential was the center of Ravenclaws plan. She said my first name shouldnt be enough to tip anyone off, even with my age. Emma asked, confused and worried. The right hallway led to another sitting room of some kind and a study, although after a brief look around it turned out not to be the library they were looking for. Dont get me wrong, Emma held out her hands as if warding off a protest Regina hadnt voiced. Dont know why I bothered.. Yeah, sure. Regina and I arrived at the nightclub before 1 a.m., sitting at the counter, drinking shots. It was so cold, and like You could feel the pull that it had, sucking you in. August was clearly proud of his father, so she didnt want to say that she thought the spell had been overkill and that she hated it for meaning she grew up in foster care instead of with the Lucas or something else similar. Been able to see them some random adult was another thing was re-reading the same few pages and absorbing... Wouldnt tell her what about I dont suppose youll understand if I miss Papi and the sheer pointlessness felt... In just as she could go group after someone mistook david for his brother complex... Years rarely make it.. dont strain yourself more useful to the board. Emma sounded positively horrified at the center outlaw steal her heart in the middle of the into! 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once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness